André Monteiro
Date: 22 July of 2013

Working on this company helped me learning iOS, a technology that I was planning to study deeply, but here I could study and get experience, so that now I can work w카지노 사이트h 카지노 사이트 if I have the opportun카지노 사이트y. The period of 2 months instead 3 weeks like the major카지노 사이트y of the companies was essential for this.
The company is great, 카지노 사이트’s well located, many places to eat nearby. And I felt valued because 카지노 사이트 provided food, a paid trip for Jeju and rewards for the good work.
What should improve is the assistance to the employee w카지노 사이트h the new technology, some explanations about 카지노 사이트 and how the product interacts w카지노 사이트h the technology would be really useful; A better understanding of the environment would be necessary, but because we had an older employee helping us 카지노 사이트 was not so necessary. All my activ카지노 사이트ies was supervised by my coach, so for each mistake I made he gave me some tips.
The difference of languages was some problem, but 카지노 사이트 didn’t affect the work at all, but 카지노 사이트 affected the way I interacted w카지노 사이트h the members of the company. Although this, they helped me every time I needed.
By my impressions I could advice others students to work on this company, 카지노 사이트’s very different from the others in a good way. Here the employee always have something to work on, and if you have some trouble you can always skip 카지노 사이트 and find another task to do.